
27th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, September 22-25, Timisoara, Romania

All papers must contain original research results and should not be submitted or published elsewhere.

There are several categories of submissions:

Regular papers

describing fully completed research results (up to 8 pages of text, excluding references, in the two-column paper style).

System descriptions and experimental papers

describing software prototypes, results of simulations, or experimental data analysis, with a link to the reported results (up to 8 pages of text, excluding references, in the two-columns paper style).

Short papers

describing ongoing work, preliminary results, and/or research challenges of PhD students (up to 4 pages of text, excluding references, in the two-columns paper style).

All papers should be submitted electronically through Easychair link. The authors should select the track, special session or workshop to which the paper is submitted.

Paper Templates