Submissions of research papers are invited. The papers must contain original research results not submitted and not published elsewhere.
There are four categories of submissions:
* Regular papers describing fully completed research results (up to 8 pages in the two-columns CPS format).
* System descriptions and experimental papers describing implementation results of experimental data, with a link to the reported results (up to 4 pages in the two-columns CPS format).
* Short papers, describing work in progress and/or preliminary results (up to 4 pages in the two-columns CPS format).
* Posters, describing ongoing work and research challenges of PhD students (up to 2 pages in the two-columns CPS format).
Additionally, the researchers and PhD students are invited to submit
* Position papers which may contain preliminary results, arguable opinions on new fields/methodologies, presentation/demo of software prototypes (up to 4 pages in the two-columns CPS format). Selected position papers will be included in the post-conference proceedings.
All papers should be submitted electronically through Easychair